Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stock update 25/10/11

Hey there,

we had some stock turn up recently & it's now live on the website.

First up are a couple of sweet Bustin Boards, both Limited editions:

& we've also expanded our range of Risers & shock pads with some great Rayne & Khiro products:

There's plenty more stock incoming over the coming weeks so keep your eyes peeled!

Also, check out this video from our friends down in Southend, viva le Kebbek!

Southend Longboarding - How 'we' roll from George Bottomley on Vimeo.

Alex @ Newton's

Thursday, October 13, 2011

NS Road Trip: Gioasteka Freeride Sound Of Speed 2011!

The weekend has landed! Oh wait, no it didn't.
But the video for Gioasteka has:

I can honestly say, it's in my top 2 downhill events of all time & this being the 2nd year I've attended I can't wait to go back.
Hmmm, Smoothcut37's just dreamy for Downhill, DOH! ;)

This weekend, make sure to check out Hogtoberfest!

